How can a dermatologist Newton treat skin cancer?

Prolonged exposure to sun rays and radioactive substances is the primary cause of skin cancer. If your skin looks wax-like and attains a pearly complexion, then you must see a dermatologist Newton immediately. Other symptoms are red or brown lumps on the skin, crust development, and itching. The dermatologist will be able to examine these symptoms. He/she can run some tests to detect the actual cause. If detected in the early stages, then skin cancer can be cured.

Available treatment options for skin cancer

After a thorough assessment, the skin specialist will be able to select one or more treatment options. These will depend on the condition of the patient. Here are some common therapeutic measures, which can come in handy.

Freezing – In this, the dermatologist in Newton uses liquid nitrogen to kill the damage the affected skin cell. It only works if the skin cancer is in the early stages. It is not a suitable treatment process if the disease is widespread.

Mohs surgery – If the infection spreads over a large area, the specialists opt for this surgery. This surgical process allows doctors to preserve undamaged skin.

Radiation therapy – Controlled radiation therapy is another vital treatment that controls the spread of skin cancer. The X-ray can kill the cancer cells while has no impact on healthy skin.

Chemotherapy – A dermatologist in Newton will opt for chemotherapy for patients with advanced skin cancer. It kills the cells internally and prevents the disease from spreading.

Do you require advanced treatment for skin cancer? It is time to act immediately. Book an appointment with the skin cancer specialists of Heartland Dermatology Center. The dermatologist Newton can start the treatment as soon as possible as they have access to modern equipment.

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